導航:首頁 > 英文名字 > 我懷念的英文版名字


發布時間:2021-06-03 00:07:40

⑴ 請把《我懷念的》歌詞翻譯成英文

I ask why
The girl to send text messages to me
And why do you
Don't explain low head silence
I believe that you love me
Unwilling to elaborate me
Or understand
Have you don't want to save
Want to ask why
I won't be your happiness
But why
But I know all the wry smile said
Self-esteem will often people dragged
The love go twists and turns
Pretend to understand is the fear
Truth too naked
Mess than losing afflictive
What I miss is no words unsaid
What I miss is dream together
What I miss is after a fight
I ask why
The girl to send text messages to me
And why do you
Don't explain low head silence
I believe that you love me
Unwilling to elaborate me
Or understand
Have you don't want to save
Want to ask why
I won't be your happiness
But why
But I know all the wry smile said
Self-esteem will often people dragged
The love go twists and turns
Pretend to understand is the fear
Truth too naked
Mess than losing afflictive
What I miss is no words unsaid
What I miss is dream together
What I miss is after a fight
I miss
I also want to love you impulse
I remember that year birthday
Also remember that song
Remember that slice of stars
Most tight right
The most warm chest
I let go
This seat
False free and easy
Who understand how I won't
So love
So I
No cry
Without saying

⑵ 我懷念的用英文怎麼說

what l miss

⑶ 我懷念的 英文怎麼寫

what I miss, 或是 missed

⑷ 我懷念的 用英語怎麼說

What I Miss,
eng trans at side,
What I'm Missing
I missed
我懷念的朋友Ka Tawai Ku Kisu

我懷念的 (原唱 : 孫燕姿)I Missed

我懷念我的朋友I Miss My Friend

我懷念失去的愛Extrano el amor que se fue

我也懷念失去的悲傷Extrano la dicha tambien

懷念我的爺爺奶奶Remembering My Grandparents

你就這樣永遠留在我的懷念中嗎?Thus will you forever remain in the bosom of my thoughts


懷念我的小學老師們Best wishes to my primary school Teachers

⑸ 我懷念的 英文翻譯

what I cherish in memory

⑹ 英文版我懷念你

就是《i miss you》嘛


⑺ 我懷念的—— 英語怎麼說 別說什麼I MISS YOU 之類的~ 我要的是 我懷念的。

yearn 或cherish 形容詞就用yearning

⑻ 我懷念你有英文版嗎




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