A. lol燼的英文名
Khada Jhin
B. lol燼開大時說的一句英文
"You will be poetry."
"You will be beautiful."
"Watch my puppets dance."
"This is your curtain call."
"Your life had no value beforeme."
"I feel inspired."
"Art is worth the pain."
"Beauty is pain."
"I will make you famous."
"You will perform."
"This is my love."
"Each bullet is a song."
"Each bullet will be a dance."
"How can we make this fresh?"
"Smiles, everyone, smiles!"
"Places, please!"
"The composition needssomething."
"Symmetry is so boring."
"I've outdone myself this time."
"When they find you, they willcry."
"I will touch your heart."
"They're gonna live, until theydie."
"This is my calling."
"Places everyone, places!"
"Shall we dance?"
"Sing for me!"
"I rehearsed this!"
"There is no drama in a peacefuldeath!"
"Dance for me."
"Right. On. Cue."
"The show never ends!"
"How lovely!"
"Center stage!"
"I couldn't miss yourperformance."
"The work is what matters."
"Art requires a certain cruelty."
"The end is important in allthings."
"My audience awaits."
"I must wait until a composition isperfect."
"They're puppets. I pull theirstrings, and then they dance."
"My genius will be understood -eventually."
"Art must exist beyond reason."
"They call me mad. All artists aremad."
"I will not suffer thisugliness."
"I cannot be good. I must beperfection."
"Every element must be in place."
"I'm misunderstood. Beauty can't beevil."
"This performance needs more...zazz."
"It's so difficult to work under theseconditions."
"My talent justifies allactions."
"I am at my best only ring theperformance."
"I am pure. My work is pure."
"My theater is the mind."
"Art should terrify."
"No poet's words could match mycraft."
"Death should never be quick. Itshould be an opera."
"I shall choreograph thisaffair."
"What sweet sadness is killing?"
"The world is cruel. It does not haveto be ugly."
"Everyone wears a mask. I just choseto create my own."
"This art is a compulsion. I cannotresist it."
"Perfection isn't good enough."
"Behind every mask... is anothermask."
"There is nothing for me butthis."
"I never hurt anyone. It is theperformance that kills."
"Until they stop me, I will keepgoing."
"I am a singer without a voice. Thedancer without legs."
"Only to the audience do I show mytrue face."
"Each bullet is a piece of my soul.Each shot is a piece of me."
"I swear each performance is the last,but I lie every time."
"I am a slave to this passion."
"My work asks questions, it never hasanswers."
"Which is the lie? The mask, or myface?"
"An icon doesn't have to explainhimself."
"I wonder what they think when theysee me."
"Yes, the gun is ironic."
"I like a violent composition."
"This would be easier if blood came inmore colours."
"Let's start the show."
"The ecstasy of opening night."
"Smiles and screams, I bringboth."
"If I keep getting interrupted, howcan I be expected to work?"
"I was paid to put on a killershow."
"My clients expect the best."
"They will dance, they will sing, theywill die!"
"A costume, some makeup, a spray ofblood."
"It's very simple - when I shoot, theydance."
"My critics are... usuallyshort-lived."
"If I get this outfit dirty, I'm goingto be so annoyed."
"I serve a discerning clientele."
"Death is certain, but killing doesn'thave to be ugly."
"I provide catharsis for my clients,and my victims."
"I... orchestrate death."
"I get nervous before everyperformance, but I need that feeling."
The moment before the shot... ispainful."
"It is only when the gun fires that Iam alive."
"Mmm... the ecstasy of killing."
"The trigger on a loaded weapon... itwhispers for us to act."
"I can't live without the euphoria ofperformance."
"Happiness... is a warm gun."
"I want to feel everything. The gunmakes it so I do."
"I envy silence... because I must beloud."
"In carnage, I bloom.... like a flowerin the dawn."
"I have risen from the filth and muck.I am the lotus blossom. I am beauty."
"That delightful moment before thecurtain goes up."
C. DOTA所有英雄的英文名字
Alchemist 煉金術士
am/anti/DH/magina 敵法師
anti/am/DH/magina 敵法
Axe 斧王
Bane 痛苦之源
Bear 德魯伊
bear/ursa 熊戰士
beast/BM 獸王
bh/gondar 賞金獵人
bm/jugg 劍聖
BM/beast 獸王
bone/clinkz 骷髏射手(小骷髏)
bristle/pig 剛背獸(菊花豬)
brood/BA/spider 育母蜘蛛
BS 血魔
cent/warchief 半人馬酋長
chaos/ck 混沌騎士
chen 聖騎士
ck/chaos 混沌騎士
clinkz/bone 骷髏射手(小骷髏)
cm 水晶室女
destroyer/OD 黑曜毀滅者(黑鳥)
DH/am/anti/magina 敵法師
dk 龍騎士
DK 地獄領主
doctor/wd 巫醫(51)
doom/lucy/Lucifer 末日使者
DP 死亡先知
DR/drow 黑暗游俠(黑弓)
dragon/THD 雙頭龍
dryad/enchant 魅惑魔女
DS/Kardel/sniper 矮人狙擊手
enchant/dryad 魅惑魔女
enigma 謎團
furion 先知
FV/void 虛空假面(J8臉)
geo/Meeop 地卜師(狗頭)
gondar/bh 賞金獵人
jugg/bm 劍聖
Kardel/DS/sniper 矮人狙擊手
kotl 光之守衛(光法)
lancer/PL 幻影長矛手(猴子)
layer/Lina 秀逗魔導師(火女)
Levi/TH/Tide 潮汐獵人
Lich 巫
Lina/layer 秀逗魔導師(火女)
Lion 惡魔巫師
lucy/doom/Lucifer 末日使者
Lucifer/doom/lucy 末日使者
luna/moon 月之騎士
lycan/wolf 狼人
magina/am/anti/DH 敵法師
magnus 半人猛獁
mesa 蛇發女妖(大那加)
Meepo/geo 地卜師(狗頭)
MK/Zues 眾神之王(矮子)
moon/luna 月之騎士
morph 變體精靈
NA 地穴刺客
NAGA/Siren 娜迦海妖(小那加)
Naix 食屍鬼
Necro 死靈法
Nevermore 影魔
NS 暗夜魔王
OD/destroyer 黑曜毀滅者(黑鳥)
omni/omniknight 全能騎士
omniknight/omni 全能騎士
orge 食人鬼魔法師(藍胖子)
PA 幻影刺客(幻刺)
panda/PB 熊貓酒仙
PB/panda 熊貓酒仙
pig/bristle 剛背獸(菊花豬)
PL/lancer 幻影長矛手(猴子)
potm 月之女祭師
priest 暗影牧師
Pudge 屠夫(胖子)
Pugna 遺忘法師
Raigor/shaker 撼地神牛
Razor 復仇電魂(電棍)
rhasta/ss 暗影薩滿(小歪,青蛙)
SA 隱形刺客
SB 裂魂人(白牛)
shaker/Raigor 撼地神牛
silencer 沉默術士
Siren/NAGA 娜迦海妖(小那加)
SK 沙王
sk/sk king 骷髏王(大骷髏)
Slardar 魚人守衛
sniper/DS/Kardel 矮人狙擊手
Spectre 幽鬼(UG)
spider/BA/brood 育母蜘蛛
ss/rhasta 暗影薩滿(小歪,青蛙)
ss/wl 術士
Sven 流浪劍客
TB 靈魂守衛
techies 哥布林工程師(本拉登)
TH/Levi/Tide 潮汐獵人
THD/dragon 雙頭龍
Tide/Levi/TH 潮汐獵人
Tinker 修補匠
tiny 山嶺巨人(小小)
TP/treant 樹精衛士
treant/TP 樹精衛士
Troll 巨魔戰將(綠皮)
TS 受折磨的靈魂(光鹿)
ursa/bear 熊戰士
veno 劇毒術
viper 冥界亞龍(毒龍)
Visage 死靈飛龍(40龍)
void/FV 虛空假面(J8臉)
VS 復仇之魂
warchief/cent 半人馬酋長
wd/doctor 巫醫(51)
weaver 地穴編織者(螞蟻)
wl/ss 術士
wolf/lycan 狼人
Zues/MK 眾神之王
D. lol名字大全帶英文
E. 取QQ名,英文名
QQ名字:彼岸の佛禪 、 暖風山林
F. 古希臘7大惡魔英文名
在法國作家科蘭·德·布蘭西(Collin de Plancy)的作品《地獄辭典》(Dictionnaire Infernal)中,阿斯蒙蒂斯被描繪成了一個具有人身蛇尾雞腳的怪物,他有三個頭,一個是會噴火的人頭,一個是羊頭,還有一個是牛頭,他的坐騎是一頭長著龍的翅膀和脖頸的獅子,而這所有的動物要麼代表著情慾,要麼代表著復仇。
G. 燼 的英文
H. 適合吳燼樺的英文名
:JinHua Wu, 根據英文習慣,名在前,姓在後
I. 戲命師的英文名
Khada Jhin The Virtuoso,通常就叫他的名字Jhin