導航:首頁 > 英文名字 > 飯店名字英文


發布時間:2021-04-08 06:48:55

1. 好聽的英文餐廳名字

happy eating~

2. 飯店英文名

Fresh In Viridity

3. 各大酒店英文名

Oriental Venice international hotel
Sofitel hotel in west lake
Radisson hotels 広 field
The gentleman lanshi hotel
West hotel
Dimensional scene international hotel
Minneapolis cloud resort
Grand hyatt hotel
West lake state guesthouse
Sofitel xana resort
Kaiyuan names hotel
Kane dace hotel
Xiaoshan our hotel
Sweet case pull hotel. Nautical
Blue sky qingshui bay international hotelWuxi tin state garden hotel
Wuxi taihu hotel
Wuxi syncretization lake hotel
Shun liters hotel (jiangyin)
Hailan hotel (jiangyin)
Yixing hotel (yixing)呉 palace hotel
Sweet lattice nautical widening hotel
Yang xicheng lake resort hotel lanshi ting
JinJiHu hotel
Crowne plaza
Ya all hotel
At nanyuan hotel
New city garden hotel
This garden hotel
Wenzhou Chinese restaurant
Wenzhou sweet lattice nautical widening hotel
Splendid holiday hotel (wenzhou sheraton hotel building)
The building of ecological tourism, holiday hotel
Howard Johnson and hotel
Wenzhou syncretization sea hotel
Wenzhou haiyue name di boutique hotel

4. 請給一些著名餐廳的英文名,兩個以上

上島咖啡 U.B.C Coffee

5. 餐館名字請幫翻譯成英文


6. 好聽的英文酒店名

Downton Hotel 唐頓酒店

7. 誰能幫我翻譯一個飯店的英文名高分謝謝。

Traditional Hunan Cuisine

8. 創意英文餐廳名字

Enjoy happily(幸福/快樂地享用/享受)
Merry Christmas!(聖誕快樂!)

9. 好聽的英文餐廳名字

DE' Cafε

10. 取個好聽的餐廳英文名




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