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發布時間:2021-04-14 22:09:45

Ⅰ 范冰冰的名字在外國怎麼說用英文怎麼寫

就是漢語拼音Fan Bingbing
Chinese actress Fan Bingbing struts down the catwalk as she closes the Stephane Rolland couture show in Paris on July 3, 2012. The actress is a frequent face on the international fashion scene, and her red carpet dresses worn at international film festivals have always received media coverage.

Ⅱ 范冰冰個人資料 翻譯英文

Fan Bingbing ( Birth:September 16, 1981) is a Chinese actress and pop singer. She was born in Qing, Shandong, China and graated from Xie Jin's Star School and Shanghai Theater Academy. Her films include Twins Effect II.

Fan rose to stardom when she played Jin Suo, a fragile maid character, in the popular TV sitcom Huan Zhu Ge Ge and its sequel Huan Zhu Ge Ge 2 in 1998.[1]

Fan starred alongside Andy Lau as cavalry chief Yi Yue in the A Battle of Wits in 2006

Ⅲ 女明星的英文名字有哪些

1、Michael Jordan

邁克爾·喬丹的英文名字就是Michael Jordan,1963年2月17日生於美國紐約布魯克林,前美國職業籃球運動員,司職得分後衛,綽號「飛人」(Air Jordan)。

2、Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant是科比的英文名字,,1978年8月23日出生於美國賓夕法尼亞州費城,前美國職業籃球運動員,司職得分後衛/小前鋒(鋒衛搖擺人),綽號「黑曼巴」/「小飛俠」。

3、LeBron James

LeBron James是勒布朗·詹姆斯的英文名字,詹姆斯在2003年NBA選秀中於首輪第1順位被克利夫蘭騎士隊選中,在2009年與2010年蟬聯NBA常規賽最有價值球員(MVP)。

4、Stephen Curry

Stephen Curry是斯蒂芬·庫里的英文名字,斯蒂芬·庫里於2010年隨美國隊獲土耳其世錦賽冠軍,2014年隨美國隊獲西班牙籃球世界盃冠軍。

5、Tim Duncan

Tim Duncan是蒂姆·鄧肯的英文名字,2016年4月6日,蒂姆·鄧肯獲得個人職業生涯常規賽第1000勝,成為歷史第三位千勝球員,並且是在同一支球隊拿到千勝的第一人。

Ⅳ 范冰冰的英文名片是什麼

Fan Bingbing。

Ⅳ 介紹一下范冰冰,用英文

Fan Bingbing, 1981 September 16 was born in Shandong, Qing, Yantai, settled with her parents shortly after the second year with outstanding musical performance, when skip-level to high Yantai, a first-year classes musical talent; in 1996 was admitted to Shanghai Xie Hengtong star schools, LIU Xuehua cooperation in school ring the filming of the TV drama "strong woman", starred actor Bing Shao's fiancee corner was LIU Xuehua phase to recommend to Chiung Yao, 1997 participating Qiong Yao's play "My Fair Princess", and with the brokerage firm Qiongyao contract; 2000 contract with Wang Jing-Hua company by the end of appointment Huayi Wang Jing-Hua, general manager of brokerage firm, Fan Bingbing followed by adding Huayi; in June 2007 the establishment of Fan Bingbing studio.

Ⅵ 范冰冰用英語怎麼寫

bingbing fan
英文名稱:bingbing fan
農歷生日:辛酉年八月十九日 (1981.8.19)

Ⅶ 范冰冰在電影中演過的英文名字

Fan Bingbing

Fan Bingbing



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