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『壹』 五大湖的名稱英語音標

蘇必利爾湖:Lake Superior [leɪk suː'pɪərɪə]
休倫湖:Lake Huron [leɪk 'hjuərən]
密歇根湖:Lake Michigan [leɪk 'miʃigən]
伊利湖:Lake Erie [leɪk 'iəri]
安大略湖:Lake Ontario [leɪk ɔn'tεəriəu]

『貳』 」北美洲有五大湖,它們分別是「用英語怎麼說

There are five major lakes in North America, respectively....

『叄』 求世界上著名海洋湖泊的英文翻譯,越全越好!例如,黑海 紅海 死海 裏海 黑海 五大湖 等等,運河也

黑海:Black Sea
紅海:Red Sea
死海:Dead Sea
裏海:Caspian Sea蘇伊士運河:Suez Canal

『肆』 北美五大湖的名稱是

蘇必利爾湖(Superior,lake) 是北美洲五大湖最西北和最大的一個,也是世界最大的淡水湖之一,是世界僅次於裏海的第二大湖。
休倫湖(Huron,lake) 為北美五大湖中第二大湖。它由西北向東南延伸,長331公里,最寬處163公里。
密歇根湖(Michigan,lake) 也叫密執安湖,是北美五大湖中面積居第三位,唯一全部屬於美國的湖泊。
伊利湖(Erie,lake) 是北美五大湖的第四大湖,東、西、南面為美國,北面為加拿大。湖水面積25667平方公里。
安大略湖(Ontario,lake) 是北美洲五大湖最東和最小的一個,北為加拿大,南是美國,大致成橢圓形,主軸線東西長311公里,最寬處85公里。

『伍』 北美洲的五大湖用英語怎麼說且說說它們的簡要特點

Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario

『陸』 五大湖用英語說是什麼

五大湖The Fivr Major Lake

蘇必利爾湖Lake Superior
密執安湖Close(ly) hold a peaceful lake
休倫湖Stop the human relations lake
伊利湖Yi Lilake
安大略湖Antario lake

『柒』 五大湖的英語單詞

[名] [地名] [美國·加拿大] Great Lakes;
The smallest of the Great Lakes.

『捌』 美國五大湖分別叫什麼名字英文和中文都要






『玖』 請問誰知道關於「五大湖」的介紹(英文的)


Lake Superior Junction in Canada and the United States, the five Great Lakes, which is famous the world's five major fresh water lake. According to the size of their superior, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie and Ontario. FIVE a total area of about 245,660 square kilometers, is the world's largest source of fresh water. FIVE valley is about 766,100 square kilometers, nearly 1,110 km north-south extending from the eastern end of Lake Superior Huxi end to about 1,400 km. Generally from the West Lake to the east, and into the Atlantic Ocean. In addition to Lake Michigan and Lake Huron outside the same plane, the lake surface height were reced. AMONG the glacier began about 100 years ago as the final proct. Glacial lakes at the present time by repeatedly expanding activities in the valley. Ice Valley has a lot of ground to suppress. The late Pleistocene lakes are many lakes in the region have formed the final stage. Superior (Superior, lake) is the most lakes in North America and the largest in the Northwest and is also one of the world's largest freshwater lake, is the world's second largest after the Caspian Sea. Lake northeast of Canada, the southwest United States. Lake, 616 km from east to west, north and south as simple as 257 kilometers in size, the average altitude of 180 meters of water area of 82,103 square kilometers and a maximum depth of 405 meters. 12,000 cubic kilometers of water. There are nearly 200 rivers flow into the lake, the largest in Nipigon River and St. Louis. Royal i. lake is the main island (one of the United States National Park), the Cape of Apostle Islands, and St. AUC Mijipi cotten island of Vieques. Lingering more forest land, beautiful scenery and sparsely populated. Superior water is clear, the lake more storms Lakes Dong-han cool summer. Seasonal hunting and fishing and tourism major projects for the local entertainment instry. Stored in a variety of minerals. Artificial many natural harbors and ports. Canada's major ports, such as Thunder Bay and the United States Takenite. Navigation on the year for eight. French explorers to the lake in 1622 found that the lake name came from French, meaning "lake." Lake Huron (Huron, lake), the second of the North American Great Lakes lakes. It extends from northwest to southeast, 331 km long, 163 km wide at the maximum. Lake area of 59,570 square kilometers. A Superior Michigan and many rivers into. Lake water from the south into Illinois. Lake elevation of 176 meters and a maximum depth of 229 meters. Northeast many islands. Lakes fishery and the logging instry is the main economic activity. Lingering more touristic. Early April to the end of navigation season, a major port in Rockport, Rogers City period. Lake Huron is the first Europeans to discover the lake, the name originated from Huron Indians. Lake Michigan (Michigan, the lake) is also called Michigan, which ranks third in North American lakes, the only all American lakes. Hubei Department and the same Lake Huron, 517 km long from north to south and 190 km wide at the maximum, the lake area of nearly 120,000 square kilometers, an area of 57,757 square kilometers of waters in size, with an elevation of 177 meters and 281 meters deep, with an average depth of 84 meters, the lake Volume 4,875 cubic kilometers, 2,100 km length of Lake. About 100 of the river into which many northern island, the largest island in Beaver. Lingering shore of the lake from wave erosion of the cliffs, sand nes many East Coast, particularly in the state of Indiana and Lake State Park's most famous sand nes. Lakes climate is mild, to the banks of the shelters. Quite the east coast fruit procing areas, and many twists and turns in the Northshore Harbor, lake trout and more fish, salmon fishing instry flourish. Chicago important instrial city in the south, and a lot of ports. Harbor next year's mid-12 to mid-ice, obstructed navigation, but all the little lake snow, several ferry ports in the year between. Lake Erie (Erie, the lake) is the fourth North American lakes Great Lakes, East and West, to the southern United States to northern Canada. Lake area of 25,667 square kilometers. Southwest to the Northeast -- showed that 388 km long, 92 km wide at the maximum size, with an elevation of 174 meters, with an average depth of 18 meters and 64 meters in the deepest, most shallow lakes is one of the banks totals 1,200 km. Detroit River, Huron River, the Rio Grande River and other rivers into which water from the Niagara River on the eastern side of emissions. West of the island in the lake, the largest island in Canada Pillay. Point pelee national park with the north (Canada). Kailifulan major ports in the United States, such as Ashtabula. Lingering in instrial areas has resulted in the closure of many touristic lake last century late 1970s, the destruction of the environment under control. Lake (Ontario, lake) is the smallest North American lakes and most East, North Canada, the United States Southern broadly into an oval, the main east-west axis 311 km long, 85 km wide at the maximum. About 19,554 square kilometers of water, has an average depth of 86 meters deep, 244 meters and 1,688 cubic kilometers of water. A Niagara, Genesee, Oswego, into Blake and Trent River, Welland connecting Lake Erie and the Niagara River. The famous Niagara Falls connecting Lake Erie, Ontario, under irrigation, the 99-meter gap between two lakes. Water flows from the eastern side of the river. Ontario agricultural plains to the north, concentrated in the instrial port city of Toronto, the other in Rochester. Harbor each December to April next year no navigation. (According to science network)

『拾』 美國五大湖的名字









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