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發布時間:2021-05-06 07:04:11

『壹』 湛雅彤翻譯成英文名字是什麼


『貳』 快樂的英語單詞是


『叄』 幫忙翻譯一下~越精確越好 成英文

Stimulating goods on the channel. Competitors in the competition for sales channels, the use of promotional policies, attainable at all levels to stimulate the purchase of the business purpose of the channels through the promotion of certain policies in order to stimulate business Yahuo channels at all levels, Zhanya warehouse and customer funds, to reach the final Crowding out competitors. For example, a beer factory in the season are on the eve of a large-scale orders or investment will be by invitation of a group, the second groups of key business and social order, the introction of exciting new policy, which allows customers to maximize the price to pay in advance So that the proct is scheled to advance into the "footprint" to create a best-selling momentum, but also to take this slow season can supply pressure.



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