❶ 漯河雙匯
反正那超級嚴格 動不動就罰錢 小心點就是了
總廠在雙匯路 東方大市場那
❷ 雙匯英文shineway,意思是陽光大道嗎
❸ 河南漯河雙匯的品牌有哪些
❹ 雙匯集團的英文介紹
Headquartered in the city of Luohe, Henan Province, Shuanghui Group is a large-scaled meat-processing enterprise which ranks 177th among China Top 500 enterprises in the year of 2009. As the largest meat processing enterprise, the company has a total assets over 10 billion RMB and, the employee population of Shuanghui Group is over fifty thousand, with the capacity of slaughtering pigs 15 million heads per year and processing cooked meat procts over two million five hundred thousand tons annually.
Having been always focusing on agricultural procts processing and meat processing, Shuanghui Group has put a lot of efforts in absorbing innovated ideas in management, technology development and marketing development and keeping developing fast and efficiently. In the middle of the 1980』s, the company only realized annual sales valuing less than ten million RMB, while up to RMB 100 million in 1990, up to ten billion in 2003, up to 20 billion in 2005, more than 30 billion in 2007, the annual sales income of 2009 is more than 40 billion RMB.
Shuanghui Group is a large trans-regional and trans-national food enterprise. Now the company has established modern factories in 12 provinces in China and built over 200 sales branches and modern commodity distribution centers in 31 provinces throughout the country. Each day over 7 thousand tons of procts are distributed to all over the country through its perfect supply chains. Now the company has sales branches in Japan, Singapore, Philippines and Korea etc., which can realize export & import revenue USD 100 million per year.
Aiming to develop large-scaled modern instries at high speed and efficiency , the company has invested over 4 billion RMB to import over 4 thousand sets of modern equipments from advanced countries. It has built up a whole instry chain mainly based on slaughtering and meat processing, including farming, animal feed processing, grain processing, slaughtering, meat processing, chemical packaging, color printing, commodity distribution, chain-stores and biochemical medicine etc.
Shuanghui Group is always insisting on self-innovation to establish a enterprise with innovation spirits. Now the company has one state-level technological center and one post-doctor working station and a high-quality researching & developing team. By introcing western-styled meat procts and improving traditional Chinese- styled meat procts, the company proces large variety of procts including over 200 kinds of chilled meat procts, over 200 sorts of prepared meat procts, over 6 hundred kinds of ready-to-eat meat food both of sterilized meat procts and pasteurized meat procts in western style and Chinese style, meeting different customers』 demands. The meat procts were awarded 「Famous Brand in China」, the company was awarded 「Excellent Enterprise in Quality Management」 by the state Quality and Quarantine Inspection Bureau.
By introcing 「cold-chain proction, cold-chain distribution, cold-chain rendition and chain-store sales」, Shuanghui Group has successfully innovated the traditional Chinese slaughtering instry and has created top brand name in China in chilled fresh meat instries. It takes the lead in realizing the change from the hot fresh meat and frozen meat to chilled fresh meat, from the traditional wet bazaar sales to modern chain-store sales.
Shuanghui Group has established several devisions including Fresh and Frozen Meat Division, Cooked Meat Procts Division, Chemical Packaging Division and Pig Breeding Division. The company has been developing fast by carrying out well planning, good budget, standardization and smooth supply chain. The company has passed ISO9001, ISO14001 and HACCP systems and has been carrying out the systems strictly.
Shuanghui Group is one of the state key enterprises in agricultural procts instrialization field. Each year the company needs 30 million heads of pigs, 3 hundred thousand heads of cattle, 6 hundred thousand tons of chicken, 50 thousand tons of egg and 50 thousand tons of soy protein as raw materials to process meat procts, transform the foodstuff over 8 million tons through the breed aquatics and thus promotes the development of animal raising, animal feeding and slaughtering in the surrounding areas, realizes the proction values ,indirectly supplies jobs for 1.5 million local farmers and raises their incomes.
During the 「12th Five-year」(time ration of 2011—2015), the enterprise aims to be larger, stronger and sustainable, being the largest in China and keeping ahead in the world in meat instries. By the end of 「12th Five-year」(the year of 2015), the company is to proce cooked meat procts 8 million tons, with sales income over 100 billion RMB, and at that time, Shuanghui Group would be one of the most competitively large-scaled internationalized enterprise.
❺ 漯河雙匯的基本情況
雙匯集團始終堅持圍繞「農」字做文章,圍繞肉類加工上項目,依靠「優質、高效、拼搏、創新、敬業、誠信」的企業精神,不斷進行管理創新、技術創新、市場創新,企業實現了持續、快速、健康的發展:80年代中期企業年銷售收入不足1000萬元,1990年突破1億元,2003年突破100億元,2005年突破200億元,2007年突破300億元,2008年突破350億元。 雙匯集團是跨區域、跨國經營的大型食品集團,在全國12個省市建有現代化的肉類加工基地和配套產業,在31個省市建有200多個銷售分公司和現代化的物流配送中心,每天有7000多噸產品通過完善的供應鏈配送到全國各地。雙匯集團在日本、新加坡、韓國、菲律賓等國建立辦事機構,開拓海外市場,每年進出口貿易額1億多美元。
雙匯集團概要 總 資 產:70多億元 董 事 長:萬 隆 員工人數:4.5萬名 商 標:雙匯——中國馳名商標,在2005年中國最有價值品牌評價中,品牌價值106.36億元,居肉製品類第一位。 企業精神:優質、高效、拚搏、創新、敬業、誠信 發展戰略:專家治廠、科技興廠 雙匯集團(沿革)大事記 1958年 7月 集團公司前身——漯河市冷倉成立 1969年4月 變更為漯河市肉類聯合加工廠 1984年7月 萬隆當選廠長 1992年2月 第一支「雙匯「牌火腿腸問世 1994年1月 合資成立華懋雙匯集團有限公司,注冊資金4438萬美元 1994年8月 以漯河肉聯廠為核心組建並成立雙匯集團 1995年4月 雙匯食品城(現雙匯工業園)一期工程開始建設,總投資2.6億元,共7個項目 1996年9月 雙匯食品城一期工程全部竣工 1997年1月 成立「雙匯集團股份制改造及股票上市辦公室」籌劃股票發行事宜 1997年7月 雙匯集團通過ISO9002質量認證體系 1997年10月 許昌雙匯牧業有限公司成立 1998年9月 「雙匯實業」5000萬A股股票在深交所上網發行 1998年12月 「雙匯實業」5000萬A股股票在深交所成功上市 1999年3月 商丘雙匯食品有限公司成立 1999年10月 河南雙匯實業股份公司變更為「河南雙匯投資發展股份公司」 1999年11月 雙匯食品城二期工程開工,總投資5.6億元 1999年12月 「雙匯」商標被認定為「中國馳名商標」, 1999年12月 雙匯集團被列為國務院512家重點企業 1999年12月 漯河雙匯商業連鎖有限公司成立 2000年12月 雙匯工業園二期工程全面竣工投產 2000年12月 雙匯集團經國家人事部批准建立企業博士後 科研工作站2001年5月 肉製品車間通過對日出口注冊2000年6月 通過ISO9001認證體系升級和HACCP認證2001年12月 雙匯集團技術中心被評定為國家級技術中心2002年2月 與日本火腿公司合資成立河南萬東牧業有限公司2002年4月 雙匯發展5000萬股A股增發2002年10月 與杜邦合資成立杜邦雙匯漯河蛋白有限公司2003年2月 與日本吳羽、日本豐田合資成立南通匯羽豐新材料有限公司2003年3月 雙匯工業園三工程開工建設,總投資約10億元2003年12月雙匯集團通過ISO4001認證2004年9月雙匯低溫肉製品被國家質檢總局評為「中國名牌」產品2005年10月雙匯集團屠宰廠通過ISO22000認證2007年6月29日雙匯國有產權重組全面完成,引進戰略投資者美國高盛。
❻ 漯河雙匯地址
❼ 雙匯名字的由來,為啥雙匯叫「雙匯」
❽ 雙匯英語品牌名
沒別的了 雙匯的英文網站用的都是這個
❾ 雙匯的英文名
Soey雙匯 音譯
❿ 求雙匯的英文介紹
Henan Shuanghui Instry Group Co., Ltd. engages in feed manufacturing, animal breeding, slaughtering, meat processing, retail grocery outlets, and bio-pharmaceutical operations. It offers smoking and roasting beef, gourmet ham, comman gread sausage, meat food, Chinese style and meat procts, as well as seasoned food, which include meat pieces, block meat, diced meat. The company also has proction lines for PVDC film, wrap packaging, and cardboard packaging. In addition Henan Shuanghui Instry Group owns a chain of food stores in Henan, Hunan, Wuhan, Hubei, Mianyang, Sichuan, Inner Mongolia, and Shanghai, China. The company serves Chinese market, as well as exports its procts to Japan, Singapore, Philippines, and Russia. Henan Shuanghui Instry Group Co., Ltd. was formerly known as Luohe Meat Processing Plant. The company was founded in 1958 and is based in Luohe, China.