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發布時間:2021-03-27 11:28:22

㈠ 希特勒的全名用英語怎樣拼寫

adolf hitler

㈡ 希特勒英文簡介,很急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Adolf Hitler was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, commonly known as the Nazi Party. He was Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, and served as head of state as Führer und Reichskanzler from 1934 to 1945.
Hitler joined the precursor of the Nazi Party (DAP) in 1919, and became leader of NSDAP in 1921. He attempted a failed coup d'etat known as the Beer Hall Putsch in 1923. After his release on December 20, 1924, he gained support by promoting Pan-Germanism, anti-semitism, anti-capitalism, and anti-communism with charismatic oratory and propaganda.Hitler ultimately wanted to establish a New Order of absolute Nazi German hegemony in continental Europe. To achieve this, he pursued a foreign policy with the declared goal of seizing Lebensraum for the Aryan people.In 1939 the Wehrmacht invaded Poland. In response, the United Kingdom and France declared war against Germany, leading to the outbreak of World War II in Europe
Within three years, German forces and their European allies had occupied most of Europe, and most of Northern Africa, and the Japanese forces had occupied parts of East and Southeast Asia and the Pacific Ocean.


㈢ 希特勒的英文拼音是什麼

中文名: 阿道夫·希特勒 英文名: Adolf Hitler 中文名: 阿道夫·希特勒 外文名: Adolf Hitler 國籍: 德國 出生地: 奧地利 出生日期: 1889年4月20日 逝世日期: 1945年4月30日 職業: 德國元首 信仰: 種族主義,天主教 主要成就: 出任德國總理 代表作品: 《我的奮斗》 重要事件: 挑起第二次世界大戰

㈣ 希特勒簡介 英文版

Adolf Hitler, Austria African German politicians, Reich head of state and empire prime minister, the German armed forces supreme commander nazism of the second world war, genocide core character was born in 1889 in Austria, 1919 to join the Nazi party, 1921 become leader in 1923, was arrested for beer house coup, out of jail, he to flood the German nationalism anti-semitism against capitalism and socialism and the anti-communist propaganda get support 1933 became Germany's chancellor, 1939 invasion of Poland, which launched the second world war, in April 1945, the Soviet red army approximation Berlin, Hitler and its female love Eva · Braun married, April 30 suicide in Germany's office underground bunkers

㈤ 希特勒的英文名是

英文名:Adolf Hitler


㈥ 希特勒的德文名字,全名 納粹黨的英語翻譯

阿道夫·希特勒(德語:Adolf Hitler,1889年4月20日~1945年4月30日),政治家、戰略家、傳記作家、演說家。

[法]the Nazi party
He functions in many of the ways that hitler functioned for the nazi party.

㈦ 希特勒的英文名是什麼,法文 ,德文,,,


㈧ 希特勒的英文叫什麼

Adolf Hitler
阿道夫 希特勒

㈨ 希特勒的英文名怎麼發音


㈩ 希特勒的英文介紹

Adolf Hitler, Austria - German nationality political figures, Chancellor of the Third Reich and imperial chancellor, the German armed forces supreme commander. Nazism, second world wars, genocide of the core characters. Born in Austria in 1889, 1919, join the Nazi party, in 1921 to become the leader, because in 1923 Beer Hall Putsch was arrested, after his release, he to the pan German nationalism, anti-Semitism, against capitalism, the anti-Communist propaganda means supported. In 1933 to become Chancellor of Germany, the invasion of Poland in 1939, which launched the Second World War, in 1945 April, the Soviet Red Army approached Berlin, Hitler and his girlfriend Eva Braun married Dutch act, April 30th in the German chancellery bunker.



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