導航:首頁 > 英文名字 > 泰迪女狗名字英文


發布時間:2021-05-20 10:47:50

1. 小母狗泰迪狗的英文名字有什麼


2. 泰迪犬叫什麼英文名字好

  1. Cola 可樂

  2. Coffee咖啡

  3. Lucy幸運

  4. Jack傑克

  5. Coco扣扣

3. 泰迪狗名字英文名字


4. 泰迪狗叫什麼英文名好,中文呢

Teddy Dog

5. 泰迪狗狗女生名字

饅頭 餅干 貓咪 pinky wohoo 花捲 月餅 lucky moppet (娃娃很Q的名字) kishi(日文)


6. 給我家泰迪犬取個英文名


電視劇 米可go 里的米可的名字..


7. 女泰迪狗名字

饅頭 餅干 貓咪 pinky wohoo 花捲 月餅 lucky moppet (娃娃很Q的名字) kishi(日文)讓我們的地球快樂 PITY (調皮的意思)モモ 也不錯日本蠻多人用這個的 寵物情人里的那隻就是叫這個發音差不多就是momo Moira 茉伊拉 包子 這些都是可以的 並且公母都可以用 狗寶貝不要用太大的名字 用小點低微點的可以很健康長大 這個也只是我自己的認為吧 就看LZ會不會喜歡了

8. 狗狗取名字(母泰迪)洋氣點可愛點的。英文和中文都可以


9. 泰迪狗狗取名,是英文的.可愛 洋氣點的!


10. 泰迪狗英文介紹

泰迪犬英文名稱:Teddy dog


The Teddy dog is actually a beauty model for poodles. The VIP is a French variety, and it looks very lovely. Once used as a waterbird. In 19th Century and 20th Century, the species reached its peak for hunting, performance and companionship. They are divided into four groups according to their size: the most popular ones are smaller ones: Mini poodles and Toy Poodles. Among them, the toy poodle is the smallest body shape. It is active, active, alert, intelligent, likes to go out and adaptable.

The poodle is an excellent pet dog without hair removal. The tidy is a cube shaped structure, with the head trimmed mostly oval or round. The ratio of shoulder height to body length is mostly 9:11 (body length slightly larger than shoulder height). After birth, most of the tail is broken. Curly hair。 It is divided into two types: toy body (alt shoulder height not more than 25 cm) teacup body (alt shoulder height not more than 18 cm).



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