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1. 於姓正月出生俊字輩男孩名字

於俊翔 於俊濤 於俊朝 於俊淇 於俊楚 於俊崗 於俊耀 於俊波 於俊超 於俊冉 於俊聆 於俊義 於俊玉 於俊軒 於俊軍 於俊蒙 於俊彭 於俊淇 於俊毅 於俊鵬 於俊卓 於俊驥 於俊傑 於俊強 於俊戰 於俊爾 於俊雷 於俊強 於俊博 於俊超 於俊哲 於俊揚 於俊野 於俊強 於俊宜 於俊欽 於俊項 於俊淇 於俊琦 於俊旭 於俊飛 於俊晟 於俊烈 於俊樺 於俊平 於俊東 於俊逸 於俊磊 於俊飛 於俊威 於俊博 於俊權 於俊昊 於俊義 於俊兵 於俊洋 於俊勇 於俊馳 於俊平 於俊鑫 於俊晨

2. 爸爸姓於媽媽姓白想讓男雙胞胎一個跟媽媽姓一個跟爸爸姓求名字

於澤 白鐸

3. 淮北平原水文地球化學特徵

龔建師1 葉念軍1 顧慰祖2 哈承佑3 陳樂柱1 葛偉亞1 於俊傑1

(1.南京地質礦產研究所,南京210016;2.水利部南京水文水資源研究所,南京 210024;3.中國地質環境監測院,北京 100087)



1 研究區概況及取樣測試情況



2 淮北地區含水系統的劃分






5 結論



[1] J. R. Gat. The use of environmental isotopes of water in catchment studies. Xi Ru-ze,Gu Weizu,Klaus-Peter Seiler. Research Basins and Hydrological Planning. London: Talor &Francis Group . 2004 :1~10

[2] X. Chen&Q. Hu. Groundwater influences on root zone hydrology. Xi Ruze, Gu Weizu, Klaus-Peter Seiler. Research Basins and Hydrological Planning. London :Talor &Francis Group . 2004:107~118

[3] J. J. McDonnell .Runoff generation processes and modeling. Xi Ruze, Gu Weizu, Klaus-Peter Seiler. Research Basins and Hydrological Planning. London:Talor &Francis Group .2004:61~66

[4] Gu, Weizu, Freer, J 1995. Patterns of surface and subsurface runoff generation. In Leibundaut(ed) ,Tracer Technology for Hydrological Systerm,LAHS Publication ,229:265~273

[5] Ha Cheng-you, Zhu Jin-qi, Ye Nian-jun et al. Formation and evolution of a forgotten delta-the Huaihe River delta, eastern China. Geological Bulletion of China. 2005,24(12) :1094~1106

[6] Peng Shufen F,2004. Groundwater development strategies in the middle huaihe river basin, China, Research Basins and Hydrological Planning, Talor &Francis Group,273~276

[7] Wang Zhen-long, Wang Zao-jian&Wang Bing,2004 The design and implementation of the information system of soil moisture monitoring and drought defense in Huaihe region. Xi Ru-ze, Gu Wei-zu, Klaus-Peter Seiler. Research Basins and Hydrological Planning, London :Talor &Francis Group . 2004:387~390

[8] Gat,J. R. ,1996, Oxygen and Hydrogen isotopes in the hydrologic cycle, Annual Rev. Earth &Planet. Science 24,225~262

[9] Dewalle, D. R. &Swistock, B. E. ,1994, Differences in oxygen-18 content of throghfall and rainfall in hardwood and coniferous forests,Hydrol. Processes 8,75~82

[10] Kendall, C., 1993, Impact of isotopic heterogeneity in shallow systems on modeling of stormflow generation, PhD Thesis, Dpt. of Geology, University of Maryland, pp. 270

[11] IAEA, 1992, Statistical treatment of data on environmental isotopes in precipitation, Technical Report Series, no. 331, IAEA

[12] UNESCO/IHP,2000, Enviromental isotopes in the hudro-logical cycle, Principles and Application, IHP-V Technical Documents 39,volumes Ⅰ-Ⅵ

Resume of Hydrogeochemistry in Huaibei Plain

Gong Jianshi1, Ye Nianjun1, Gu Weizu2, Ha Chengyou3,Chen Lezhu1, Ge Weiya1, Yu Junjie1

(1. Nanjing Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Nanjing 210016;2. Nanjing Institute of Hydrology and Rresource MWR,Nanjing 210024;3. China Institute of Geological Environmental Monitoring, Beijing 100087)

Abstract: There is bifurcation about aquifer partition in Huaibei plain in last twenty years, now the author points out the partition borderline of the aquifers based on isotope data. It can be authenticated that the interface depth of shallow groundwater system and mid-level&deep-seated groundwater system is 50~60 m in Huaibei plain in this article. Each of them is opposite absolute system with groundwater evolvement. Figures about relationship of 18δ& well depth、relationship of groundwater age & well depth can indicate the difference of which.

The author also did enough work about hydromedistry in this area and got plenty of informations this time. The hydromedistry data indicate that the shallow water genre is HCO3·Ca·Mg in upriver changing to HCO3·Cl·Ca·Mg and Cl·Ca·Mg in downriver, and deep-seated water genre is HCO3-Na attended by some HCO3·Cl water mixed with shallow water, the former is natural hydrochemical evolvement from upriver to downriver, the latter can be considered as admixture with deep water and shallow polluted water. An important ting is found this time that content of Cl- in shallow water is high around Kaifeng city and Zhoukou city near Guohe river and Huijihe river(branches of Huaihe river). Conceivable reason is the influence of human beings( especial of pollution). Another discovery is that Cl-Na water is found in deep water in east Zhoukou and west Jieshou area near Shaying river( anoter branch of Huaihe river), which prove that there is eventual blend with shallow influenced water into deep old water.

Isotope data prove that shallow water is newer and δ18O、δ2H in which attach to Meteoric Water line, deep-seated water is older in a close condition and severe mixed with shallow water in Shaying valley area. The age of deep water is approximately same with ones in Huabei plain. One thing need to explain that the 18δ is lower than average level in the lower left of Meteoric Water line. The author think that there may be a chemical reaction consuming 18O so as to less 18δ in the figure of relation of 18δ and 2δ.

Key words: Huaibei plain; Shallow groundwater; Mid-level and deep-seated groundwater;Hydrogeochemistry

4. 俊傑是什麼意思

作為一個J迷,孤告訴你網上大多說到此詞,均指全球頂級音樂天王林俊傑,新加坡人,流行歌手、詞曲創作者、音樂製作人。2003年以專輯《樂行者》出道。2004年憑《江南》紅遍兩岸三地。2007年成立音樂製作公司JFJ Proctions,負責單曲及專輯製作。林俊傑跨界發展身兼數職,在諸多領域均有所成就:2008年創立潮流品牌SMG;2012年發行故事影像書《記得》,成功躋身暢銷書作家行列;

5. 幫忙給我家小公主取名字!


推薦名字: 【姓氏】+ 『 錙艾 』

推薦名字: 【姓氏】+ 『 珊其 』

推薦名字: 【姓氏】+ 『 繁辛 』


★周易算卦:澤天夬 (夬卦)決而能和




起名常用字分析 「付」 :中年隆昌,身體不利或欠子厄。



6. 於俊傑這個名字的分數是在多少分上


7. 請把我解答一下楊俊傑這個名字的意思

jùn jié
即 俊桀

8. 哥哥叫於俊傑弟弟叫什麼名字


9. 姓於 男寶寶 出生於公歷2019年11月25日下午2點多 取個什麼名字好

生辰八字:己亥年 乙亥月 丙寅日 乙未時



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