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發布時間:2021-05-25 23:18:15

Ⅰ 哈耶克名言

3. "如果一個人不需要服從任何人,只服從法律,那麼,他就是自由的。

Ⅱ 荷蘭人名中的「范」和德國人名中的「馮」到底是什麼意思

荷蘭語中的范是 van,in the Dutch language, meaning 'of' or 'from', and a common prefix in Dutch surnames, as in Vincent van Gogh or George Vancouver.The German 'Von' is a cognate of Dutch 'van' but unlike the German 'von', the Dutch 'van' is not an indication of nobility.
Von (generally in small case only as von) is a German preposition which approximately means of or from.

When it is used as a part of a German family name, it can indicate a member of the nobility, like the French and Spanish "de". At certain times and places, it has been illegal for anyone who was not a member of the nobility to use von before their family name. However, in the middle ages the "von" particle was still a common part of names and was widely used also by commoners, e.g. "Hans von Duisburg" meant Hans from (the city of) Duisburg.

The abolition of the monarchies in Germany and Austria in 1919 meant that neither state had a privileged nobility, and both had exclusively republican governments. In Germany, this meant that in principle von simply became an ordinary part of the names of the people who used it. There were no longer any legal privileges or constraints associated with this naming convention, although in practice, many people with von in their names are still listed in telephone books and other files under the rest of their name. (e.g. Ludwig von Mises would be under M in the phone book rather than V). In Austria, in contrast, not only were the privileges of the nobility abolished, their titles and prepositions were abolished as well. Thus, for example, Friedrich von Hayek became Friedrich Hayek in 1919 when Austria abolished all indicators of nobility in family names. On this issue, also see Austrian nobility.

In the Nordic countries, von is common but not universal in the names of noble families of German origin and has occasionally been used as a part of names of ennobled families of native or foreign, but non-German, extraction, as with the family of the philosopher Georg Henrik von Wright, which is of Scottish origin.

Not all members of families whose names begin with "von" are holders of a title of some kind, regardless of whether their parents are living or dead—while it can be said that almost all German nobles use von not all users of von are noble. (Some very old noble families, usually members of the Uradel, do not use von but are nevertheless still noble.) Also, a very few German families were elevated to the nobility without the use of the preposition von. Ancient families distinguish themselves from newly ennobled ones by abbreviating von to v. This is also the traditional practice of nobles in North Germany.

Some people confuse "von" of German origin with "van" of Dutch origin.

Ⅲ monica英文名寓意是什麼

















Ⅳ Freda 是什麼意思

Freda ['fri:də] 弗雷達 含義

Ⅳ 哈耶克(Hayek, F.A.V.)的名言「一種壞的制度會使好人做壞事,而一種好的制度會使壞人也做好事。」


Ⅵ 哈耶克全名

Friedrich August von Hayek



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