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发布时间:2021-05-11 08:35:41

❶ 找一英文名 读音是 chesi che开头的


❷ che开头的英文名


❸ CHE开头的好听的女生英文名字,完事用的人最好少一点,但不能太俗

Cherry 绮莉 法国 仁慈,像樱桃般红润的人。
Cheryl 绮丽儿 法国 珍爱的人,男子汉


❹ 能不能起一个以“Che”开头的英文男名好听的,大气一点的,又有气质。。

cheryl :法语意(珍爱的人)
cherry : 法语意(仁慈,像樱桃一样红润的人)

❺ 请帮忙起个英文名

Sherry 吧,音相近,在英语里是个好名字

❻ che开头英文名


❼ 以c开头的最好是以che开头的英文名字 男生的 希望是比较简单的 谢谢了!!


❽ Ch开头的女孩英文名

Charlotte 夏洛特,身体强健女性化的。

Cheryl 绮丽儿,珍爱的人。

Chloe 克洛怡,青春的,美丽的。

Chelsea 绮尔西,古英语,停船的港口。给人的印象是富有的英国女性,有著独特的个性。

Charlene 夏琳,是有魅力的金发女子。

Cherry 甜美,可爱充满青春气息,而且热心助人。

Chris 克丽丝,是个男女通用的名字,人们认为chris是个顽皮姑娘。


Christina 克丽丝汀娜,被形容为美丽娇小的女子家境富裕,聪明世故。

Christine 克丽丝汀,让人联想到窈窕美丽的棕发女孩有著天使般的脸孔。

Christy 克丽丝汀。


❾ che开头的英文名女生

Cherry 绮莉……仁慈 像樱桃般红润的人

Cheryl 绮丽女……珍爱的人

❿ ch开头的英文名


CHANEL f English
From a French surname which meant "pipe"...

CHANELLE f English (Modern)
Variant of CHANEL

CHANTAL f French, English, Dutch
From a French surname which was derived from a place name meaning "stony"...

CHANTÉ f English (Modern)
Means "sung" in French.

CHANTEL f English
Variant of CHANTAL

Variant of CHANTAL

CHARISSA f English
Elaborated form of CHARIS...

CHARISSE f English
From a French surname of unknown meaning...

CHARITY f English
From the English word charity, ultimately derived from Late Latin caritas meaning "generous love", from Latin carus "dear, beloved"...

CHARLA f English
Feminine form of CHARLES

CHARLEEN f English
Variant of CHARLENE

CHARLENE f English
Feminine diminutive of CHARLES

CHARLIZE f English (Modern)
Feminine form of CHARLES...

CHARLOTTE f French, English, German, Scandinavian, Dutch
French feminine diminutive of CHARLES...

Meaning unknown, perhaps a combination of CHARLOTTE, CHARLENE or the English word charm with the aine suffix from LORRAINE...

CHARMIAN f English (Rare)
First used by Shakespeare in his play 'Antony and Cleopatra' (1606)...

CHASITY f English
Variant of CHASTITY

CHASTITY f English
From the English word chastity, which is ultimately from Latin castus "pure"...

CHELLE f English
Diminutive of MICHELLE

CHELSEA f English
From the name of a district in London, originally derived from Old English and meaning "landing place for chalk or limestone"...

CHELSEY f English (Modern)
Variant of CHELSEA

CHELSIE f English (Modern)
Variant of CHELSEA

CHER f English
Short form of CHERYL...

CHERI f English
Variant of CHERIE

CHERIE f English
Derived from French chérie meaning "darling"...

CHERILYN f English
Combination of CHERYL and the popular name suffix lyn.

CHERISE f English
Variant of CHARISSE

CHERISH f English
From the English word meaning "to treasure".

CHERRY f English
Simply means "cherry" from the name of the fruit...

CHERYL f English
Elaboration of CHERIE, perhaps influenced by BERYL...

CHEYANNE f English (Modern)
Variant of CHEYENNE

CHINA f English (Modern)
From the name of the Asian country, ultimately derived from Qin, the name of a dynasty that ruled there in the 3rd century BC.

CHLOE f English, Biblical, Greek Mythology
Means "green shoot" in Greek...

CHRISSIE f English
Diminutive of CHRISTINE

CHRISSY f English
Diminutive of CHRISTINE

CHRISTA f German, Danish, English
Short form of CHRISTINA

CHRISTAL f English
Variant of CRYSTAL

CHRISTI f English
Diminutive of CHRISTINE

Latinate feminine form of CHRISTIAN

CHRISTIE f English
Diminutive of CHRISTINE

CHRISTINA f English, German, Scandinavian, Dutch
From Christiana, the Latin feminine form of CHRISTIAN...

CHRISTINE f French, English, German, Scandinavian, Dutch
French form of CHRISTINA, used as a variant in other languages.

CHRISTY f English
Diminutive of CHRISTINE

CHRYSTAL f English
Variant of CRYSTAL

CHUCK m English
Diminutive of CHARLES...

CHYNA f English (Modern)
Variant of CHINA



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