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发布时间:2021-03-29 20:16:29

A. lol烬的英文名

Khada Jhin

B. lol烬开大时说的一句英文

"You will be poetry."

"You will be beautiful."

"Watch my puppets dance."

"This is your curtain call."

"Your life had no value beforeme."

"I feel inspired."

"Art is worth the pain."

"Beauty is pain."

"I will make you famous."

"You will perform."

"This is my love."

"Each bullet is a song."

"Each bullet will be a dance."

"How can we make this fresh?"


"Smiles, everyone, smiles!"

"Places, please!"




"The composition needssomething."






"Symmetry is so boring."

"I've outdone myself this time."

"When they find you, they willcry."

"I will touch your heart."

"They're gonna live, until theydie."

"This is my calling."

"Places everyone, places!"

"Shall we dance?"

"Sing for me!"

"I rehearsed this!"

"There is no drama in a peacefuldeath!"

"Dance for me."

"Right. On. Cue."


"The show never ends!"

"How lovely!"

"Center stage!"

"I couldn't miss yourperformance."

"The work is what matters."

"Art requires a certain cruelty."

"The end is important in allthings."

"My audience awaits."

"I must wait until a composition isperfect."

"They're puppets. I pull theirstrings, and then they dance."

"My genius will be understood -eventually."

"Art must exist beyond reason."

"They call me mad. All artists aremad."

"I will not suffer thisugliness."

"I cannot be good. I must beperfection."

"Every element must be in place."

"I'm misunderstood. Beauty can't beevil."

"This performance needs more...zazz."

"It's so difficult to work under theseconditions."

"My talent justifies allactions."

"I am at my best only ring theperformance."

"I am pure. My work is pure."

"My theater is the mind."

"Art should terrify."

"No poet's words could match mycraft."

"Death should never be quick. Itshould be an opera."

"I shall choreograph thisaffair."

"What sweet sadness is killing?"

"The world is cruel. It does not haveto be ugly."

"Everyone wears a mask. I just choseto create my own."

"This art is a compulsion. I cannotresist it."

"Perfection isn't good enough."

"Behind every mask... is anothermask."

"There is nothing for me butthis."

"I never hurt anyone. It is theperformance that kills."

"Until they stop me, I will keepgoing."

"I am a singer without a voice. Thedancer without legs."

"Only to the audience do I show mytrue face."

"Each bullet is a piece of my soul.Each shot is a piece of me."

"I swear each performance is the last,but I lie every time."

"I am a slave to this passion."

"My work asks questions, it never hasanswers."

"Which is the lie? The mask, or myface?"

"An icon doesn't have to explainhimself."

"I wonder what they think when theysee me."

"Yes, the gun is ironic."

"I like a violent composition."

"This would be easier if blood came inmore colours."

"Let's start the show."

"The ecstasy of opening night."

"Smiles and screams, I bringboth."

"If I keep getting interrupted, howcan I be expected to work?"

"I was paid to put on a killershow."

"My clients expect the best."

"They will dance, they will sing, theywill die!"

"A costume, some makeup, a spray ofblood."

"It's very simple - when I shoot, theydance."

"My critics are... usuallyshort-lived."

"If I get this outfit dirty, I'm goingto be so annoyed."

"I serve a discerning clientele."

"Death is certain, but killing doesn'thave to be ugly."

"I provide catharsis for my clients,and my victims."

"I... orchestrate death."

"I get nervous before everyperformance, but I need that feeling."

The moment before the shot... ispainful."

"It is only when the gun fires that Iam alive."

"Mmm... the ecstasy of killing."

"The trigger on a loaded weapon... itwhispers for us to act."

"I can't live without the euphoria ofperformance."

"Happiness... is a warm gun."

"I want to feel everything. The gunmakes it so I do."

"I envy silence... because I must beloud."

"In carnage, I bloom.... like a flowerin the dawn."

"I have risen from the filth and muck.I am the lotus blossom. I am beauty."

"That delightful moment before thecurtain goes up."

C. DOTA所有英雄的英文名字

  1. Alchemist 炼金术士

  2. am/anti/DH/magina 敌法师

  3. anti/am/DH/magina 敌法

  4. Axe 斧王

  5. Bane 痛苦之源

  6. Bear 德鲁伊

  7. bear/ursa 熊战士

  8. beast/BM 兽王

  9. bh/gondar 赏金猎人

  10. bm/jugg 剑圣

  11. BM/beast 兽王

  12. bone/clinkz 骷髅射手(小骷髅)

  13. bristle/pig 刚背兽(菊花猪)

  14. brood/BA/spider 育母蜘蛛

  15. BS 血魔

  16. cent/warchief 半人马酋长

  17. chaos/ck 混沌骑士

  18. chen 圣骑士

  19. ck/chaos 混沌骑士

  20. clinkz/bone 骷髅射手(小骷髅)

  21. cm 水晶室女

  22. destroyer/OD 黑曜毁灭者(黑鸟)

  23. DH/am/anti/magina 敌法师

  24. dk 龙骑士

  25. DK 地狱领主

  26. doctor/wd 巫医(51)

  27. doom/lucy/Lucifer 末日使者

  28. DP 死亡先知

  29. DR/drow 黑暗游侠(黑弓)

  30. dragon/THD 双头龙

  31. dryad/enchant 魅惑魔女

  32. DS/Kardel/sniper 矮人狙击手

  33. enchant/dryad 魅惑魔女

  34. enigma 谜团

  35. furion 先知

  36. FV/void 虚空假面(J8脸)

  37. geo/Meeop 地卜师(狗头)

  38. gondar/bh 赏金猎人

  39. jugg/bm 剑圣

  40. Kardel/DS/sniper 矮人狙击手

  41. kotl 光之守卫(光法)

  42. lancer/PL 幻影长矛手(猴子)

  43. layer/Lina 秀逗魔导师(火女)

  44. Levi/TH/Tide 潮汐猎人

  45. Lich 巫

  46. Lina/layer 秀逗魔导师(火女)

  47. Lion 恶魔巫师

  48. lucy/doom/Lucifer 末日使者

  49. Lucifer/doom/lucy 末日使者

  50. luna/moon 月之骑士

  51. lycan/wolf 狼人

  52. magina/am/anti/DH 敌法师

  53. magnus 半人猛犸

  54. mesa 蛇发女妖(大那加)

  55. Meepo/geo 地卜师(狗头)

  56. MK/Zues 众神之王(矮子)

  57. moon/luna 月之骑士

  58. morph 变体精灵

  59. NA 地穴刺客

  60. NAGA/Siren 娜迦海妖(小那加)

  61. Naix 食尸鬼

  62. Necro 死灵法

  63. Nevermore 影魔

  64. NS 暗夜魔王

  65. OD/destroyer 黑曜毁灭者(黑鸟)

  66. omni/omniknight 全能骑士

  67. omniknight/omni 全能骑士

  68. orge 食人鬼魔法师(蓝胖子)

  69. PA 幻影刺客(幻刺)

  70. panda/PB 熊猫酒仙

  71. PB/panda 熊猫酒仙

  72. pig/bristle 刚背兽(菊花猪)

  73. PL/lancer 幻影长矛手(猴子)

  74. potm 月之女祭师

  75. priest 暗影牧师

  76. Pudge 屠夫(胖子)

  77. Pugna 遗忘法师

  78. qop痛苦女王

  79. Raigor/shaker 撼地神牛

  80. Razor 复仇电魂(电棍)

  81. rhasta/ss 暗影萨满(小歪,青蛙)

  82. SA 隐形刺客

  83. SB 裂魂人(白牛)

  84. shaker/Raigor 撼地神牛

  85. silencer 沉默术士

  86. Siren/NAGA 娜迦海妖(小那加)

  87. SK 沙王

  88. sk/sk king 骷髅王(大骷髅)

  89. Slardar 鱼人守卫

  90. sniper/DS/Kardel 矮人狙击手

  91. Spectre 幽鬼(UG)

  92. spider/BA/brood 育母蜘蛛

  93. ss/rhasta 暗影萨满(小歪,青蛙)

  94. ss/wl 术士

  95. Sven 流浪剑客

  96. TB 灵魂守卫

  97. techies 哥布林工程师(本拉登)

  98. TH/Levi/Tide 潮汐猎人

  99. THD/dragon 双头龙

  100. Tide/Levi/TH 潮汐猎人

  101. Tinker 修补匠

  102. tiny 山岭巨人(小小)

  103. TP/treant 树精卫士

  104. treant/TP 树精卫士

  105. Troll 巨魔战将(绿皮)

  106. TS 受折磨的灵魂(光鹿)

  107. ursa/bear 熊战士

  108. veno 剧毒术

  109. viper 冥界亚龙(毒龙)

  110. Visage 死灵飞龙(40龙)

  111. void/FV 虚空假面(J8脸)

  112. VS 复仇之魂

  113. warchief/cent 半人马酋长

  114. wd/doctor 巫医(51)

  115. weaver 地穴编织者(蚂蚁)

  116. wl/ss 术士

  117. wolf/lycan 狼人

  118. Zues/MK 众神之王

D. lol名字大全带英文

  1. Demon灬初阳

  2. 小萝莉miss

  3. 幕後丶Kiss

  4. 蕊儿Ruier

  5. Fate丶之手

  6. Ezio刺客

  7. Miss诺诺

  8. Deng丶睿

  9. Angel灬九度

  10. Mapie枫

  11. Black丨微笑

  12. 青猫slowly

  13. Heaven圣狱丨灬

  14. Broken丶温情

  15. 温瞳Lordaeron丶

  16. Spy丶靓仔

  17. 慕飒Speechless丶

  18. 夏末灬monet

  19. 耀哥Temptation丶

  20. Heroin丶繁华

  21. Today丶潇洒

  22. Royal丶木头

  23. LoLove坏坏

  24. 白痴丶Gdragon

E. 取QQ名,英文名

QQ名字:彼岸の佛禅 、 暖风山林

F. 古希腊7大恶魔英文名



在法国作家科兰·德·布兰西(Collin de Plancy)的作品《地狱辞典》(Dictionnaire Infernal)中,阿斯蒙蒂斯被描绘成了一个具有人身蛇尾鸡脚的怪物,他有三个头,一个是会喷火的人头,一个是羊头,还有一个是牛头,他的坐骑是一头长着龙的翅膀和脖颈的狮子,而这所有的动物要么代表着情欲,要么代表着复仇。

G. 烬 的英文


H. 适合吴烬桦的英文名

:JinHua Wu, 根据英文习惯,名在前,姓在后

I. 戏命师的英文名

Khada Jhin The Virtuoso,通常就叫他的名字Jhin



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