1. 每个英文名都有含义,而Ginevra这个名字是什么意思如能回答追加悬赏
Ginevra de'Benci
趁着电影 "Da Vinci Code" 在各大小影院热烈上映,我也在这儿凑个热闹。(电影还行,别期望太高。对知识饥渴的同学来说,绝对是个学习宗教史的好机会。)
不过我在这儿想聊的是 Ginevra de'Benci。这是 Da Vinci 在美国的唯一一幅油画作品,现收藏于华府的国家艺术博物馆 National Gallery of Arts。(希望我能早日圆我的欧洲行之梦。)
Ginevra de'Benci是 Florentine的一位年轻貌美的贵族小姐。诗,书,琴,画,无一不通,是当地有名的才女。芳龄16时,Ginevra 嫁给了 Luigi Niccolini。这幅作品很可能是 Da Vinci 为庆贺他们订婚或结婚而画的,也有可能是 Bernardo Bembo, Venetian 驻Florence 的大使特意为 Ginevra 订做的。要知道,当时的 Ginevra 可谓是追求者无数。这位 Bernardo Bembo 先生也是拜倒在她石榴裙之下的众多仰慕者之一。 据说还是她的亲密朋友。
贮立在这幅油画前,我不禁想象 Ginevra 在1474年的心情。她的表情有些木然,双目微睁,嘴角略微向下,仿佛陷入深深的沉思之中。从她的眉目之间丝毫看不出婚前的喜悦和不安,更多的是思考...
Ginevra 是一幅双面油画作品。肖像的反面是一束由桂枝,棕榈枝和松柏枝组成的花圈,上用拉丁文写着“美貌添色于美德”。桂枝象征着智慧,棕榈枝象征着美德,松柏枝象征着纯洁。而松柏枝在意大利文中是Juniper, 发音和Ginevra很接近。所有这些无一不在提醒观众 Ginevra 是一位同时拥有美丽和智慧的年轻才女。所以说不准,Da Vinci 也是仰慕者之一呢。
2. geneva手表是什么牌子
3. tudor prince geneva是什么意思
tudor prince geneva是帝舵手表.
4. geneva是什么牌子手表
它是奥地利施华洛世奇 (SWAROVSKI)集团下的时尚类手表子品牌。施华洛世奇是世界上首屈一指的水晶制品制造商,是以优质、璀璨夺目和高度精确的水晶和相关产品闻名于世的奢侈品品牌。2009年首次进入钟表行业,揉合精确及优质的瑞士制表工艺,开始生产自有品牌时尚手表,现已拥有D:Light、Octea Sport、Octea Mini、Octea Lady、Piazza、Elis以及Baguette七大手表系列。
5. 瑞士首都日内瓦英文名
瑞士首都伯尔尼 英文:Berne
The city of Berne [bɝːn] (German Bern (help·info) [b̥ɛrn], French Berne [bɛʀn], Italian Berna [ˈbɛrna], Romansh Berna [ˈbɛrnə], Bernese German Bärn [b̥æːrn]), is the "Bundesstadt" (administrative capital) of Switzerland and the fourth most populous Swiss city (after Zürich, Geneva and Basel).
Most of Berne's residents speak German, or more specifically, Bernese German, which is a high-Alemannic dialect. The Canton of Bern has a French-speaking part. Very few people still speak the Matteänglisch, a secret language used in the former workers' quarter Matte, but several words have found their way in the Bernese German.
Bern also functions as the capital of the Canton of Bern, the second most populous of Switzerland's cantons.
Illustrious Bernese include the reformer Albrecht von Haller, the poet Albert Bitzius and the painters Hans Fries, Ferdinand Hodler and Paul Klee. The German-born physicist Albert Einstein worked out his theory of relativity while employed as a clerk at the Bern patent office. A culturally important person was Mani Matter, a songwriter performing in Bernese German.
6. rolex名字来历,含义以及它的发展历史,谢谢各位!
Rolex SA is a Swiss manufacturer of wristwatches and accessories. Rolex watches are popularly considered status symbols.Rolex is the largest single luxury watch brand by far, procing about 2,000 watches per day, with estimated revenues of around US$ 3 billion (2003).BusinessWeek magazine ranks Rolex #71 on its 2007 annual list of the 100 most valuable global brands, top among all watchmakers.
In 1905 Hans Wilsdorf and his brother-in-law Alfred Davis founded "Wilsdorf and Davis" in London.Their main business at the time was importing Hermann Aegler's Swiss movements to England and placing them in quality cases made by Dennison and others. These early wristwatches were sold to jewellers, who then put their own names on the dial. The earliest watches from Wilsdorf and Davis were usually hallmarked "W&D" inside the caseback.
In 1908 Wilsdorf registered the trademark "Rolex" and opened an office in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. The company name "Rolex" was registered on 15 November 1915. The word was made up, and its origin is obscure. Wilsdorf was said to want his watch brand's name to be easily pronounceable in any language. One story, never confirmed by Wilsdorf, is that the name came from the French phrase horlogerie exquise, meaning "exquisite clockwork". Another story claims that "rolex" was meant to evoke the sound of a watch being wound.The book The Best of Time: Rolex Wrist Watches by J.Hess and J. Dowling says that the name was just made up.
Contemporary Yacht-MasterIn 1919 Wilsdorf moved the company to Geneva, Switzerland where it was established as the Rolex Watch Company. Its name was later changed to Montres Rolex, SA, and finally Rolex, SA.he company moved out of the United Kingdom because taxes and export ties on the case metals (silver and gold) were driving costs up.
Upon the death of his wife in 1944, Wilsdorf established the Hans Wildorf Foundation in which he left all of his Rolex shares, making sure that some of the company's income would go to charity. The company is still owned by a private trust, and shares are not traded on any stock exchange.[
7. geneva手表 属于几等表
8. 这是什么牌子的手表啊,求解啊
Geneva就是它的品牌,中文译名:日内瓦手表。日内瓦(GENEVA)手表是奥地利施华洛世奇 (SWAROVSKI)集团下的时尚类手表子品牌。施华洛世奇是世界上首屈一指的水晶制品制造商,是以优质、璀璨夺目和高度精确的水晶和相关产品闻名于世的奢侈品品牌。2009年首次进入钟表行业,揉合精确及优质的瑞士制表工艺,开始生产自有品牌时尚手表,现已拥有D:Light、Octea Sport、Octea Mini、Octea Lady、Piazza、Elis以及Baguette七大手表系列。
9. 英文名Eva有什么含义吗好听不
呃...不提动漫叻 LZ也不是因为EVA而要这名字吧?
实质上 就是夏娃啦 或者翻译成伊娃